After listening that people are earning thousands of dollars from online websites you might be thinking who gives the money? What you actually need to do to earn money online without any invertments? I'm gonna discuss everything about this in this post from the very basic steps.Today, i'm here with a beginner's guide of Starting with a new Blog & Start earning. 

How many of the websites, earn?

            Many people have the same doubt that who pays for writing post is that internet? So, let me clear this doubt first. Generally, websites owner join advertising programs like Google Adsense, etc to earn money. Now, what is this all about? Have you ever visited a website & observed advertisements of various products like Jobs, mobile phone, Insurance policy & many more. All this product owners who wants to advertise on various sites contact Google, Yahoo etc for promotion/advertisement of their product. Even you can contact Google for your product promotion on Google AdWords. Now, where to advertise about this products? You got it right ! Google has a Program named as Adsense, that provides opportunity to website owners to show those Ads on their website & earn for every click a user makes. In this way most of the websites earn from the advertisements on their site. Few website also earn from donations from viewers who like the website's content. I hope now you have understood how do people earn online. So, lets create our own website within 30 minutes.

Where to Start from ?

              You must be thinking from where should i start from ? First of all you need to Select a Provider to get a website. There are two most Popular Blogging platform provider Blogger & Wordpress. What they do actually is they provide free website from where you could start your blogging career. I would suggest you to go with Blogger as its the most flexible,east to understand & user friendly. You might be wondering what do they get for all this? Whenever anyone creates a site on through their website for free they add a sub-domain with your website name like if your want to create a website as they will add their name in the address like which gives them their credit. 

What's your Brand name & Address ?

                  Suppose you have selected blogger as your platform. Now, its time to decide a Website address like you have seen '' & Website's name like 'Google'. Goto & Click on Create blog as shown below : 

As shown in the image click on 'New Blog' button. A popup window will appear asking for Blog name & address. Enter your Blog name in the first box. Think for a unique blog name as it would be a Company name kind of which attracts more visitors. Don't keep the name too long which makes it too dumb & cheesy for visitors. Once decided the name of blog go for Address try to keep the blog address similar to blog name. Don't keep it too lengthy & avoid use of Numbers as it creates a bad user reputation. Try to keep it short & easy to remember as users like short names so that its easy to type in address bar.

Customization :

          Once your blog is launched you can view it by typing the address in your browsers address bar. But, don't you think the default themes are too boring & doesn't seems attractive at all.  You don't need to be a programmer to write a template. As its available on internet which comes handy which you can apply in single click. A template is a html document that has codes to customize your site's theme/view. I have searched some best template websites which provide it for free : 

  1. Blogger Template Store.
  2. Gooyaa BiTemplates.
  Go through their entire site & search for a template that goes with your Blog's topic like for Magazine blog search for a magazine template theme for gaming blog search for Gaming template theme. Once completed this step move to other step.

How to Install Blogger templates Easily : 
       Once you have selected a particular template click on download button in template page. After that you receive a .zip file in your computer. Now, what you gotta do is unzip the zip file from any extractor tool like 7zip. You will see a file with extension as .xml Now, Open blogger. Follow below steps

                Once you click on Backup & Restore you will see a popup window which says 'Upload a Template from a file on your hard drive.' Click on upload button just below it & locate the .xml template file you downloaded before. It will take few secs to upload template on system. After this See your blog, your New blog is ready with some new attractive design. Now configure the template if you have any basic knowledge of Html use Ctrl+F to find a word. Generally, Goto edit templates press Ctrl+F & search for 'Home' and press enter it should take you to the editing of navigation bar edit the options as per your choice.

What next ?

              That's all you are done with the Configuration part. Now, post some articles related to your blog's topic & add some pictures. Make it bit interesting by making it like a conversation so that the reader feel like that you are conveying your message to him. Post few Articles like 10-15 work on quality articles which means always writing useful & Non-copied article which is unique. 

Final Part How to Earn ? 

               You might have heard that 'Haste is waste.' Don't just write articles to earn money write it for your self satisfaction & Happiness. People don't come to help you in your earning process or they don't come to checks your Ads. They reach you to read your contents so make it as beautiful as you can. Now, if you live in India or China you need to wait for a period of 5-6 months to Start with Google Adsense. But the viewers of other countries can Apply for google Adsense within 15-20 Days after the launch of website. But Indians don't worry here is a solution for it Goto this website : & Register yourself with your site name & Your's but do this after posting 10-15 Posts on your blog or else you will get rejected. After you have applied on this site you need to wait for a week to get a Approval email. Once approved they provide with Ad Codes to show on your website. 
                  After you have the Add code goto your Blogger's Dashboard & goto layout Click on 'Add new Gadget' & search for Html/Java Code click on it & paste the Ad code provided by your respective advertiser & click on save. That's all you have Started your first step as a Businessman.

Final words : 
               If you want any other kind of suggestions you can comment below or use the Contact form to contact me directly. You found this post helpful ? Then please take a moment to share this post with your friends who are searching for Starting a new blog. Any suggestions or feedback are most welcome in comment section. Have a good day !