As per Google about 70% of viewers leave a websites if it doesn't loads within 4-5secs after opening the page. This has direct relation with the Pagespeed of a Website/Blog. Google provides with a free Pagetest program to check what's your pagespeed. Even you can check it here : Google Pagespeed. My Blog had a 
pagespeed of around 42 for Dekstop & 34 for Mobile. The major problem reported by the test was Optimize your images which is consuming most of the data in your site speed. I thought their might be some way to optimize my blog's images so i went through various blog posts. But all the posts were regarding Gzip which was availble for wordpress. But what about Blogger? I searched for few weeks & found a simple way to Optimize images & increase pagespeed. This method works for all platform including Blogger, webly etc. After using this simple tool my pagespeed increased to 79 for Dekstop & 60 for Mobile.

How to Optimize ?

            The tool to Optimize your images is™. It is a Yahoo tool under name of Yahoo Yslow. It can help to greatly optimize your images in few clicks. The best part about it is you can compress all the images at the same time which makes it easy to compress bulk images. Goto™ Click on uploader to select files from computer if the files you want to compress are in your Computer. 

How it works?

             Major question which arises after listening about such a tool "Does it resize my images?" "Does it changes the quality of Images?". Now the answer is every images uses optimization techniques specific to image format to remove unnecessary bytes from image files. It is a "lossless" tool, which means it optimizes the images without changing their look or visual quality. If you want to check how much data can be saved by optimizing images by using the URL Shortner.After runs on a web page it reports how many bytes would be saved by optimizing the page's images and provides a downloadable zip file with the minimized image files.

How to Optimize Images in bulk ?
            If you have a blog & you have already posted those images than you can compress by providing the URL of each images in URL tab. Each URL in new line & Click on Smush Now download the images and replace it with the original image.

Final words :
               I hope this tip helped you increase your pagespeed. If you have any doubt regarding this tip you can comment below. Also, share this post with your friends to increase pagespeed which in turn boost your website's traffic. Have a good day !