You won't believe that even i got disapproved about 4 times from Google Adsense on my other blog. I was so much depressed & almost thought to quit blogging as it was realling pissing me off getting rejected for 4 times. Even i know many of you might be struggling to get your Adsense approved as its a dream of every new blogger to start earning & show everyone that even 'I can earn !'. After getting disapproved i searched everywhere on internet to find any solution or trick to get approved & earn my first 100$. But as usual no one have any solid trick to get Adsense Approved. So, what i did was i went through the disapproval mail for more than 10 times reading each word carefully so that i could find where was i going wrong. Finally i found some points that were really effective. I would like to Share those topics with all of you so that you don't go through the disapproval process which is really annoying. As said "Don't listen success stories; listen the failures which will help you with, What not to do."

1. A Privacy Policy page : 
        I won't say you to write a master piece of spend hours searching for finding the best policy out because it doesn't even matter what's their in the content because the person reviewing the blog doesn't even read a single line in that page. So, don't get after reading this heavy word 'Privacy Policy'. Visit any blog/website related to your Topic & Copy their Privacy page with some editing in it. Google just want every Blog/website should have a Privacy policy which says about your site's policy & how you use your users data so that they are aware about what you do with their each data. So, Just create a privacy page.

2. A Contact us Page :
             Google always want's to know whether you provide your user with a contact me option to increase user experience which directly affects your blog's traffic. So, just place a contact form in a static page you can find the method anywhere on the internet as its always a trending topic out their in blogging world. Get Auto, Car & Mobile Insurance.

3. A Sitemap Page : 
                This was the reason i got rejected in first attempt. What they said was provide with a page which helps viewers easily see your content. I searched the entire net to search for this solution what i got was Try after 1 week. Dude, are you crazy? They will reject me again. At the end i understood it was the sitemap what they wanted. So, just create a sitemap on a static page. If you can't find just comment below i'll find that for you.

4. Content :
                    This was the second reason why i got disapproved. They said "Site doesn't contains much text as it helps to find keywords". The trick for this is just write a lengthy 4-5 post for around 30-35 lines with many text & minimum images. Why i said 4-5 page? Because the person who checks the site goes through any random post visible on the Homepage of your blog. So, try to keep those post text & Content rich.

5. Better Template :
                         What if you want to hire a site to show your advertisment, will you choose a blog with a dumb Blogger Simple template? I am not saying that the person who has a Simple blogger templates doesn't gets approved on Adsense its just the chances of getting approved gets lower or even zero. You might be thinking there are people with Simple blogger template and earning well. But, what's the story is they got Cool contents with rich traffic do you have that much traffic? If no than atleast make your blog look like professionals. You can find a free template from here : Blogger Templates.

6. A Label widget : 
                 Providing users with a label widget helps them easily navigate through all our blog post which enhances user experience & increases chances to stay more on your page. So just use a Official blogger label widget. You can make it look as per you choice if you want. You can find the method anywhere on internet.

7. An Author page : 
                     Google Adsense really wants that, the viewers who wants to know about the owner of blog can check on the Author page of blog which helps them know what kind of person the admin is. Better write a Killer Author bio which makes the viewer find worth reading & show interest in your blog.

Final words : 
               I Have shared all my method that i used which got my adsense approved. I can't guarantee complete success but i promise they won't find any reason to disapprove your application as you have done the stuffs required to attract a advertiser. Don't forget to share this cool tips regarding Google adsense with your Blogger mates so that they can enjoy adsense without getting disapproved. Any questions are welcome in comment section. Have a good day !